Tag Archives: nerdy

Late Reviews: Chappie

Before getting into the review proper, I need to preface this by saying that I was really excited for Chappie.  Reason being is that Short Circuit is one of my favorite movies of all time, and Chappie seems to be something of a re-imagining.

As something of a robot myself I feel as if I’m an authority on movies where robots get souls, so let’s begin.

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Calling all IT Nerds! Calling all IT Nerds!

Are you a nerd?  Did you not get laid in high school because you were too cool for all the ladies?  I was.  None of them were on board with reading poorly translated Dragon Ball Z Manga and LANing Tribes 2 in my basement.  Whatever man, their loss.

February 2011 was the last time I upgraded my CPU.  Now it’s time to build a new desktop, and I need some pointers from people WITH EXPERIENCE!

Continue reading Calling all IT Nerds! Calling all IT Nerds!

Nerds are An Entitled, Delusional Lot (But they’re NICE GUYS)

Before you go and grab your +3 Flaming Bastard Sword of Blogger Smiting, I would encourage you to pay heed to my “black friend” defense.

When someone says something ignorant and racist, but then immediately follows it up with “but I have a black friend,” it’s supposed to be some sort of means of excusing the statement.  “All I’m saying is in my experience black people are lazy, but I’m not racist or anything; I’ve got like three black friends!”  I will utilize this principle, but with nerds!

Look here, nerds: I may say some insulting things in this post, but I’ve got a black friend.

Now that I’ve excused myself of any and all hate-mail for my opinion, lets move on to my opinion: that nerds are an entitled, delusional lot.

Continue reading Nerds are An Entitled, Delusional Lot (But they’re NICE GUYS)

Dead Rising: the Movie, Because We Needed Another Zombie Flick!

Dead Rising: Watchtower has had it’s first trailer pop on youtube today, and I can already hear people reminiscing about the games and their “insane playthroughs” during the movie.

It’s like auditory phantoms from PTSD caused by too many horrible conversations at parties that I couldn’t exit by tossing myself out a window.

(Apologies to any readers who actually have real PTSD from firefights, car crashes, or sex that got too rough that one time)

Continue reading Dead Rising: the Movie, Because We Needed Another Zombie Flick!

Top 10 Biggest Design Flaws in USS Enterprise

Top 10 Biggest Design Flaws In The U.S.S. Enterprise12

(Article Re-blogged from io9.com)

Star Trek broke new ground by having a spaceship without fins and rockets. And the Enterprise is indeed a beauty. But the Federation’s coolest starship isn’t flawless, by any means. Here are the 10 biggest design flaws in the U.S.S. Enterprise.

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