Calling all IT Nerds! Calling all IT Nerds!

Are you a nerd?  Did you not get laid in high school because you were too cool for all the ladies?  I was.  None of them were on board with reading poorly translated Dragon Ball Z Manga and LANing Tribes 2 in my basement.  Whatever man, their loss.

February 2011 was the last time I upgraded my CPU.  Now it’s time to build a new desktop, and I need some pointers from people WITH EXPERIENCE!

I’ve been doing my research, and used to regularly build new PCs for myself, so I’m confident in several of my choices.  Where I’m stuck are the following:

  • I don’t know when new GPUs hit the market, and I don’t know if it is worth it to wait.
  • Windows 10 is almost out.  I’ve heard good things.  Should I wait for Win 10 or just go with Win 7? Because I heard that Windows 8 was made just to troll the general populace.
  • Is the sound and cooling worth it to upgrade to Noctua fans over stock case fans?
  • Will I see a tangible improvement in game quality by upgrading from a 60Hz monitor to a 144Hz monitor?
  • I know there is no point to getting more than 8GB of RAM for gaming, but if I plan to stream or make videos do I need 16GB?
  • The motherboard I want uses DDR3 1600.  Is there a point to overclocking RAM in the current software environment?

You will not be paid for your assistance!  Thanks nerds!

Thanks for reading!

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4 thoughts on “Calling all IT Nerds! Calling all IT Nerds!”

  1. I build my own computers, too. But I can’t answer your questions. My memory fades, and technology changes so much, that with each new build I have to re-do my research. My last build was in 2012, but I’m thinking of doing a new one this year. I’ve had Windows 8 since 2012 also (it coincided with my last build, so it’s the original OS installed). I’ve been happy with it. I understand that Windows 10 will be a free upgrade for Windows 8 users.


    1. Yes I had heard that as well. From what my wife tells me it is an insufferable OS (she has it on her laptop).

      Did you build your cpu for anything in particular or just to get a more modern configuration?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I build mine for modern compatibility, reasonable speed, and quiet operation. I’m not a gamer, so I got a CPU with built-in GPU. That way I don’t have to mess with a video card and accompanying fan. My hard drive is solid state, so no noise from that source either. My power supply is also fanless. My only fan is for the CPU. It’s very big with pipes and radiator fins. This fan was very hard to install, and I worried that I had ruined the CPU putting the danged thing on. But it all works, and has worked well for about 2 1/2 years now.

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      2. Nah its tough to ruin the cpu if it’s seated in the pins properly and you don’t finger it like an awkward date.

        I am a gamer, so I have to mess with the fans. Although I’m going water cool for the cpu, so no giant heat sink for me

        Liked by 1 person

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